"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

August 04, 2003

Dean's the One?

Daily KOS examines the inexplicable success of the Howard Dean campaign and why recent attacks by Lieberman and Kerry will ony strengthen Dean in preparation for the Rove machine. Snippet:
I have been saying for over a year that the math looks good for Democrats. I have been saying the issues look good. I said before the war it wouldn't be a campaign winner, and I think I called it correctly. The economy is in shambles. This president has the worst job record of any since Hoover, with millions of jobs lost. People will want an alternative to Bush. Not just disaffected Democrats. Or out-of-work independents. But people from across the political spectrum. And it starts with that grassroots and netroots army of his.

But for now, we're still waging a primary battle. Dean fans may profess outrage that Lieberman and Kerry have trained their guns on Dean. Don't be. While I would prefer a clean primary, it ain't gonna happen. And if Dean can't handle Lieberman's inept charges or Kerry's more pointed criticisms, then he has no business facing the Rove machine. At this point, a little dirt won't harm the party's chances in 2004.
As a Kucinich supporter, I wish Dennis was in Dean's shoes (financially and support wise). But first and foremost as a Democrat, if Dean's recent success is what it will take to wipe Bush off the political face of this planet, then Dean will get my support if he wins the primary.

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