"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

July 03, 2003

Bush: "Bring 'Em On" - Oh, and Don't Forget: "Neener Neener"

Amy Sullivan knocks down Bush's latest speaking gaff:
I don't think you have to be a partisan Democrat to be uncomfortable hearing our president tell Iraqi rebels to "bring on" attacks against American soldiers. It was a poor choice of words to be sure, but that's what happens when Bush mocks diplo-speak and opts instead for shooting-off-the-mouth "straight talk." The unthinking comment makes me shudder with fear. But what makes me shake with rage is this: Close your eyes and just imagine the outrage that would be spewing forth on cable television and talk radio right now if any Democrat uttered those words. That person would be held up as Exhibit A in Ann Coulter's Treason, condemned as a close ally of Saddam and Osama by Limbaugh and Co., and Tom DeLay would personally lead the call for resignation.
And The Left Coaster has a few words:
I am sure that our troops and their families feel a lot safer now that G-Dub has reminded everyone that red-blooded Americans aren't worried about a little guerrilla warfare.

This may be the most outrageous thing G-Dub has ever said. It's hard to tell, because the competition is fierce. But defying shadowy irregular troops to kill our men and women in the field is way, way up there. I hope the VFW rebukes this disgusting display of jingoistic insensitivity.

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