"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 26, 2003

User's Manual: How to Beat Bush

Buzzflash feels that the following are the qualities necessary for a Democrat to succeed against Bush in 2004 (excerpts):
Here are some of the characteristics that we believe are essential ingredients for an individual to succeed in restoring democracy and Constitutional rights to Americans by winning the White House next year:

1) The ability to define the terms of the debate and put the Republicans on the defensive. Throughout the Bush administration, the GOP has kept the Democrats on the defensive.

2) The ability to penetrate Bush's "Teflon" credibility. Needless to say, the see-no-evil approach of many Democratic Congressional leaders is not only counter-productive; it is dishonest. If you enable a liar, you become tainted by the liar. If Bush's "credibility" isn't exposed as a phony front for serial lying, Bush will win the next presidential election.

3) Like it or not, in this day and age of television, the candidate will have to convey an image on TV that inspires trust and puts people at ease.

4) If you don't have the political courage to come out swinging and fight back against the ruthless rumors, innuendo, and gutter whispering campaigns that Karl Rove will launch against you and your family, don't run.

5) You will need to offer a vision for Americans that is one of hope and promise.

6) You need to shape the polls rather than be tied down to them.

7) You will need courage, plenty of courage.

8) You need to show Americans that you will fight for them and protect them by showing that you will bring the battle to Bush decisively, tenaciously and without apology.
Do you agree? Why or why not? The Democrats need a candidate that will gain strength during the primary and election campaign processes (a la Clinton), not tire out and succumb to media pressure (a la Gore). Bush is weak in debates; hit him hard there. Bush is able to only give canned answers to canned questions; be creative and challenging while having answers to problems of Iraq, the economy, health, education and jobs that the same people (who think Iraq caused 9-11 or used WMD in the war) can understand and believe. People must think they will again be empowered to control their lives and lose their current Bush-induced fears if a Democrat wins. The candidate must literally roll up the sleeves and fight for blood. Nothing less will ever work against the morally-challenged and ethically-lacking far right Republicans.

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