"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

June 21, 2003

Let's face it. Bush won't admit he lied to us about anything: WMD, nukes, 9-11, nothing. Never did, never will. Republican leadership isn't going to suddenly stumble upon morals and ethics. The rest of the planet is not going to forgive us for raping Iraq. And the Republican congress isn't going to start increasing tax rates for the rich and increase spending for social programs.

Ain't gonna happen.

Once you come to the above conclusion, if you haven't already, then it's time to stop whining about all of it and start acting. Join MoveOn. Start listening to Pacifica Radio. Register to vote. Discuss politics with coworkers and family (they'll probably hate you for it, but at least you'll respect yourself more). Go to peace marches and demonstrations. STOP watching TV news. All TV news. Get your news online, from political journals and from balanced newspapers. And last but not least, do the one thing your parents never taught you: Question Authority.

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