"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 13, 2003

Terrorism + Tax Cuts... Let's Do It!

Democrats take note: Left Coaster has a simple but effective plan to defeat Bush in '04:
"...let’s simplify the campaign next year to the only two major themes and issues it appears Rove plans to run on. According to various media reports over the last several days, Bush’s whole agenda and reason for re-election will be boiled down to the fight against terrorism and the need for annual tax cuts to ostensibly create jobs. We know that both of these agenda items are disingenuous. The fight against terror is nothing more than an ongoing diversionary maneuver away from having to address real domestic problems and international challenges. And a sole domestic agenda of annual tax cuts is nothing more than a transparent attempt to drain the federal treasury of revenues wanted by Democrats to address the unmet needs of the nonwealthy, reflecting a basic craven choice of the GOP to pander to their interest groups and engage in class warfare to the detriment of the poor and working class Americans. Such an annual looting of the federal treasury to benefit the few will be spun by Rove each year as a necessary tonic to create more jobs. Yet he will hope that the public doesn’t notice that the previous tax cuts do nothing but line the pockets of the few at the expense of our children."

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