"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 27, 2003

Need to Convince the Wifey or Hubby to Quit Smoking? Have 'Em Read This

The American Journal of Epidemiology just released a study that shows a significant increase in kids missing school when they live with smokers. Snippet of article soon to be released in Reuters Health News:
"Children Who Live With Smokers More Likely to Miss School
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) May 23 - New study findings show that fourth-graders who live with a smoker are more likely than those who do not to miss school because of a respiratory disease. Living with more than one smoker further increased the risk of school absence, especially if the child had asthma, according to the report. These findings indicate that even children who are old enough to attend school full-time, and therefore spend every weekday away from home, still feel the effects of secondhand smoke, lead author Dr. Frank Gilliland and colleagues, from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, note. "Although (secondhand smoke) exposure among school-aged children is likely to be substantially lower than that among preschool children, the adverse effects appear to be substantial," they write in the May 15th issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology."

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