"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 27, 2003

Liberals: Enemies of the State

Maureen Farrell writes about those treasonous liberals. It's a great essay with a lot of supporting links. Snippet:
"One could also argue that Jews and Blacks have been wrongly hated for who they are, while liberals and Democrats are justifiably loathed for how they think. Yet, in a democracy, one assumes, there is more than one acceptable point of view. And, unless the Clinton years were but a dream, one also assumes that criticizing the president is part of a great American tradition. Yet though Bush repeatedly deceived and frightened the public into accepting a preemptive war (if not an impeachable offense ala lying about sex, isn't this gross violation of the public trust worth a peep of protest?) and the press dutifully complied, these days, anyone, including traditional conservatives, who stands up for truth and open debate, is often targeted or intimidated [LINK]. Meanwhile a frightened public is manipulated into betraying decency and democracy."

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