"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 23, 2003

Good Morning. This is Your Wakeup Call.

Found this letter on BuzzFlash:
"Wake Up, America! An Open Letter to the Sheeple

Dear BuzzFlash,

I'm sure that many a Republican is lifting a glass in celebration tonight. They celebrate another round of obscene tax cuts financed by the child care, job training, educational opportunities, health care, and retirement security of the most vulnerable among us. Has there ever been a more depraved and morally bereft administration in our history? Are the American people so besotted by Fox, and "Survivor" and "Funniest Home Videos" that they really don't care that they are treated like mindless idiots, too uninformed and apathetic to raise even the slightest voice against a mind-numbing string of atrocities committed in the name of "compassionate conservatism?" Are they going to let a third-rate human being, coddled by a wealthy family and spoon-fed by a cadre of right-wing political hacks take away their basic human rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness fought for and guaranteed by our forefathers?

Wake up America! What are you waiting for? For your children to come home and tell you that they've laid off a third of the school faculty? For your phone to be tapped because you have an Arab on your bowling team? For that adult site you visit on the Internet to be downloaded to Poindexter's database? For your garbage to sit on the curb for a month because your town budget has been decimated? For your mother in the nursing home to be cared for by an uneducated, poorly paid aide who may be harboring a contagious illness because she can't afford health care? Think all of these decisions aren't going to affect you and your loved ones? Think again.

If you're lucky you'll get a couple hundred bucks from this latest round of tax cuts for the wealthy. And your state and local taxes are going to go up to make up for the massive cuts in federal funding for vital programs. By the way, do you really believe this tax cut is a "jobs and growth" program? Did the last massive tax cut create any jobs in your neighborhood or did more of your friends and family get the ax? Do you really believe that you and most of the people you know are going to save tons of money on your stock dividends? Do you really own enough stocks, if any, for this to affect you in any way? Stop buying the BS Bush's team feeds to the corporate media and educate yourself.

Tear yourself away from the TV screen, the video game, and the shopping mall long enough to pay attention to what's going down. It ain't pretty and it's going to get worse. Bush and his cronies are feeling pretty confident right now. They've managed to cloak their truly immoral, un-American agenda in the American flag and con the middle class into believing these regressive policies are for their benefit. Don't let that American flag in the window of your pick-up block your view. You're smarter than that. Don't let these people continue to make a fool of you."
Kinda what I've been saying under my breath for months now.

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