"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 03, 2003

Con Job

Read Elton Beard's piece on Bait and Switch. To answer his question, yes, he was conned. Big time. Way big time. Way, way, way... Of course, so was the rest of FoxNews/CNN/ClearChannel-brainwashed USA. The majority of this country is currently experiencing the blissful feeling of victory and righteousness, and feeling pretty darn good about Bush and the Republicans. You just can't take that away from them. Why would anyone want to give up a good feeling? Of course they are going to reject the liberal naysayers, who try to make them feel bad (i.e. guilty). Of course they will wave their flags and diss the French; it enhances the good feeling. Liberals just don't understand that people want to feel good, even at the expense of being moral and knowing the truth. Is there any other explanation?

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