"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

May 30, 2003

Bert's Back!

The Terrorism Alert Level has just been lowered to Yellow! Yippee! I feel so much better! Let's party! We're all much safer now. Thank you Bush for doing such a great job protecting us. Thank you for keeping us correctly alert and fearful for our lives during the Orange days and only slightly afraid now during the Yellow days. Now the alert level color matches all the yellow ribbons tied on trees and sign posts all over my neighborhood, in anticipation of our soldiers coming home. Any day now. That'll be real soon, right? The war is over and we won, right? We defeated those nasty, uncivilized Iraqi scum and taught them a lesson about how wrong it is to live in a non-christian non-democracy, no? And now they are suffering our rightful wrath by living in total chaos, afraid to come out of their houses, lacking most basic civilized necessities such as clean water, electricity, law enforcement and jobs, because that's what they deserve, right? Let it be a lesson to the rest of the weak nations of this planet: Bush and America will not tolerate non-christian, non-democratic societies - it's un-American and therefore it's wrong. Look out Iran, you may be next!

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