"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

April 01, 2003


Eric Altermen has the knack for writing what I think:
"The United States is at peace. The stock market is doing great. The budget is in surplus. Our cities and states are healthy. The world admires our system and our leaders. NATO is working. We participate in genuine coalitions. The Christian Right is not in charge of our legal system, and The Mets are going to the series. APRIL FOOL. (That would be the Clinton Administration.)

Seriously, does George Bush care more about blowing up Baghdad than he does about protecting the people of New York and California? It’s hard to read this story and conclude otherwise. With our cities going under, our deficits exploding, the world uniting against us, and Arabs signing up for a jihad against us, and North Korea threatening an Asian conflagration, we are obsessing about what even many military men (and women) consider to be a second-order problem The stolen election of 2000 is looking more and more like tragic turning point in our nation’s history. Thanks Ralph."
Read the rest of his posting and related links HERE.

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