"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." - - - William Blum

March 14, 2003

No to War Isn't Equal to Yes to Saddam

No, I'm not pro-Saddam. I'm pro-peace. If Saddam Hussein disappeared from the surface of this planet tomorrow I would feel glee. Being adamantly against Bush's current policies (both foreign and domestic) has nothing to do with approving Hussein's actions, past, present or future. If Iraq/Hussein had initiated war against us or one of our allies, I would not hesitate in supporting any military action against Iraq. As a civilized nation and currently a leader both politically and economically, our only correct course of action is to defend ourselves and our friends, not take unprovoked offensive action. If we take the initiative and invade Iraq shortly, I will not blame Iraq one bit if they retaliate and try to bomb, gas, or bio-violate us. Not once in our nation's history have we not done the same.

The inspections ARE working. Let's continue and expand them for as long as needed. Saddam will not last forever and will probably be assassinated soon for a myriad of reasons.

Even if Bush and cohorts realize they are wrong, do you really think they are mature enough, and compassionate enough, to admit their mistakes and do the right thing? God, no! They're totally out of touch with reality and the value of life and with the understanding of anything not related to power and money. Here's another view on this.

And our soldiers? Many have said that they will feel no remorse if they are killed in Iraq because they volunteered and were aware of the dangers posed by enlisting. Am I wrong to think that a lot of them joined the military because there were no other jobs available as a result of the downward-spiralling economy caused by Bush's obscene policies and direction?

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